Marion Peters Angelica
5008 Morgan Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55419
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Marion Peters Angelica
Marion Peters Angelica provides consulting services in management, executive coaching, conflict resolution and creative problem solving to nonprofit and governmental organizations. She has more than two decades of experience with the nonprofit sector as a director, board member, and consultant working with organizations ranging from arts to regional planning to advocacy for developmentally disabled individuals. In addition to her work in nonprofits she worked at the Metropolitan Council a regional planning agency for fourteen years as director of the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, managing projects in many areas of culture and human serves. Through her association with The Pew Charitable Trusts and the Philadelphia Cultural Management Initiative, she has done management assessments and organizational development with arts organizations of every genre for the past 11 years. She has an MFA in sculpture and ceramics and a Ph.D. in organizational studies with a specialization in conflict management and creative thinking. She recently served as Dean of the Public Policy and Administration Department at Walden University where she also designed and taught a number of courses in nonprofit management. She has authored an award winning book, Resolving Conflict in Nonprofit Organizations, and is currently at work on a second book tentatively entitled, Managing at the Boundaries, to help leaders working on cross-sector collaborations better understand the similarities and differences among the histories, values and practices of the nonprofit, business and government sectors.